Crestron Processor communication
Real time communication between your AVstudio project and Crestron processor!
Push to processor any type of signal: analog, digital or serial
Execute push on tap, on hold, on double tap
Subscribe to signal feedback and print it
Current Version Limitation Only button elements has been implemented in the current release. In the following updates we will implement for all types of elements and pages actions too.
Smart Console Events
Now when some action is triggered it will be printed in console with additional information:
Additional information printed in the console includes what type of event trigger was fired, such as onEnter, OnExit, OnTap, OnHold, or OnDoubleClick.
How many actions should be executed
Listed all fired actions colored by its type with signal name (or join number) and value pushed.
Sometimes project data can't be fetched due to auth issues. Now redirecting to login.