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Version 0.04 - Selection and hotkeys

Updated: Aug 7

Smart Interactive Selection & Control in Preview


Smart selection and drag&drop actions inside preview for containers and elements: easy switch between containers to see options, dragging elements to reorder and/or changing its parent.

Smart Selection works only when bounding box is ON. Now supported in fullscreen preview too.
Smart selection and drag&drop actions inside preview for containers and elements: easy switch between containers to see options, dragging elements to reorder and/or changing its parent.


Selection helpers


Print selected element name.

Print selected element name.


Editor hotkeys


  • Ctrl/Cmd + S to save 

  • Ctrl/Cmd + Z to undo 

  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z to redo 


More stable previews


The preview is now more stable with super fast initial loading and some bugs fixed.


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