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Version 0.21

Ability to attach actions to Text, Image and Subpage elements


You can now associate various types of actions with new elements, such as subpages, images, and text. It's important to note that any actions used within a subpage are executed independently.

Ability to attach actions to Text, Image and Subpage elements

New slider handle style options


  • Hand background color

  • Hand border options including border radius

New slider handle style options


Pages & Subpages sorting


Pages & Subpages sorting


Allow set signal value in action as dynamic value (json, variables, etc)



Project global joins


  • Analog flip page signal

Initiate a page flip from the processor using analog feedback. Remember to manually set the page flip ID for this operation.

  • Serial flip page signal

Trigger a page flip using the page name as a reference.

  • Notification signal

Inside your project settings, you have the option to define a serial signal name. When feedback is received from the processor, the text will be displayed as a notification using the specified signal name.

  • Refresh DataSources

Activate a datasources update by using signal feedback.

Project global joins


Element extended visibility


  • By orientation

Element orientation visibility refers to the position of an element, such as text, an image, or any other component, and whether it's currently visible within the current orientation.

  • By dynamic value (variable, parameter, json datasource)

By utilizing dynamic values within your project, you can dynamically update whether elements are visible or not, all without the need for external processor interactions.

Element extended visibility


Added button height property


Added button height property


Subpage optional default fixed size


You can enable the option to set a fixed width and height for a subpage.

Subpage optional default fixed size


Added Checkbox element


Added Checkbox element

Added Toggle Switch widget


Added Toggle Switch widget

Added Circle Slider widget


A highly customizable circular slider widget that can be employed for various purposes, including climate and sound controls, among others. It allows dynamic content configuration for all elements inside.


Subpage parameters


Pass data from the parent element down to a nested subpage as input parameters and utilize this data within the subpage.




A new action type has been introduced, functioning as a trigger to display an overlay. The overlay can be any type of subpage containing various data, appearing on top of the page content. Numerous customization options are available, including:

  • Customizable overlay mask styles and local mask design.

  • Automatic closure by timeout or clicking outside the overlay.

  • Adjustable overlay placement on the page.


Set icon dynamically


You can now set the icon name as a string, even when it's sourced dynamically. To discover the full range of available icons, you can utilize the Icon Explorer feature, providing greater flexibility in choosing and displaying icons within your project.


Dynamic image external source


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